Saturday, June 7, 2008

De Santiago de Compostela

These photos relate to the blog post below. That post covers the journey from Palas de Rei to Azrua on 2 June 2008. The photos follow the (chronological) 0rder of the narrative in the post.
423. Navigating the watery path from Palas de Rei
424. These raised boxes on a stone plinth seem peculiar to rural Galicia
425. C12 Iglesia de San Xulian do Camino
426. Medieval Magdelana bridge over the rio Seco leading into Disicabo
427. Medieval Ponte Vehla leading into Furelos
428. Romanesque church of San Pedro in the main street of busy, industrial Melide
429. The doorway of the church of San Pedro
430. C14 stone cross adjacent to San Pedro. It is reputed to be the oldest in Galicia.
431. Detail of the Cruce de Melide: on one side, Christ in Majesty
432. The other side of the Cruce de Melide: Christ crucified
433. Iglesia de Santi Spiriti, now a parish church but in the C14 an Augustinian monastery serving pilgrims
434. Iglesia de Santa Maria, leaving Melide
435. Eucalypt stands. We might be in the Australian bush.
436. Peaceful crossings
437. The interior of the simple parish church of Santiago at Boente. The parish priest greeted us personally as we passed (and mostly entered) his church.
438. The albergue at Azrua

This post is sent from SdC where I arrived early on Wednesday morning, 4 June. It updates the journey since my last post, from Palas de Rei. That seems so long ago. This post completes the narrative of the journey for any interested, patient readers. [In fact, that narrative was completed in a following post sent after my return home. See below for explanation.]

Palas de Rei to Arzua, Monday 2 June 2008

After dinner on Sunday night with Angela and her father, both from Koln, it was a passable night in the xunta albergue in PdR. The most interesting cultural aspect was the contest for some fresh air between some Germans and a forthright Spanish woman who immediately got out of her bunk and closed the window that the Germans had presumed to open a little. She did so with a strident "Yo tengo frigo" (I am cold). The Germans muttered but said nothing although they seem to have had the last word, thank God, since the window was open during the night.

The walking to Azrua was not especially memorable, through ancient oaks and great stands of eucalyptus forest imported for timber production. It is a lesser version of country passed in the last few days. There was a long entry into Melide via its charmless suburbs. On the main road in Melide is the church of San Pedro with a C14 stone cross with Christ in Majesty on one side and Christ crucified in the other. It is thought to be the oldest cross in Galicia. There is also a memorable parish church of Sancti Spritu, originally a C14 Augustinian monastery.

In Boente the parish priest greets us to welcome us to his church of Santa Maria. It is near the ancient village of CastaƱuela where the lime for the construction of the Santiago Cathedral was made from the limestone carried from Triacastela by the pilgrims. We modern pilgrims are finding it tough enough without carrying limestone blocks!

I think that I might end this post now--it´s not a convenient place in my hotel to be sending it from, a little too busy and intrusive. I´ll complete the log when I get home next week and add photos. For now, it will have to suffice to say that it is wonderful to be in Santiago with the pilgrimage complete and catching up with follow pilgrims. Tomorrow, Sunday 8 June, I´ll go to Finisterre by bus and on the next day fly to London. On Tuesday 10 June, I take the plane home.

Thanks again for your company and support.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Dad!
I'm very proud of you..
Looking forward to the photos..

Andy R said...

Congratulations on the conception and carriage of the journey. Your feet will be glad for the rest and heart hungry for further adventures.
See you soon, lots of love

Anonymous said...

thanks for the trip paul, loved every km of it, the good stuff, the hard stuff, the delightful commentary, your new and old friends , the great times at night aroundthe table, the dormitories, and eveything else i've forgotten. congratulations, thanks for your companionship on during May. See you soon, back in your comfort zone. Love, Mum.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the ride paul, I've had a wonderful time, every day different, Loved the countryside, churches, your delightful commentaries, the dormitories, meals ay night with your pilgrim mates, etc. looking forward to seeing you hale and hearty. Love, Mum.

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul. I've also (occasionally) been reading the blog and have enjoyed the trip as you have progressed see you this weekend I suspect. David L